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Zoning"; } if (substr_count($mypath, "Homes By Builder/")) {$between='by'; $ender='Home Builders';} $thistitle=("$citytitle $modifier $firstpart $between $middler $show $ender"); //if ($pagenum) $thistitle.=" - Page $pagenum"; //} //else $thistitle=("$middler $show $ender Atlanta $modifier $firstpart"); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=trim($thistitle); $thistitle="".$thistitle.""; print ("$thistitle"); } //if ($show=="City") $show="Horse"; $show_space="$show $modifier"; if ($redundant) $redundant.=' '; //print $show_space; //maybe too long - shortened below //$desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia. For $kwd Georgia $show $modifier Real Estate and $redundant $show_space home information, visit our $redundant Georgia $show_space Real Esate Web Site at atlantarealestate-homes.com"); //don't seem to use - $desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia."); //$desc=str_replace(' '.' ',' ', $desc); //print $desc; if ($pagenum) $pagenum="page $pagenum"; if ($mypath=="/index.htm" or $mypath=='/') { $longdate=(date("F j")); $desc="Continuously Updated Atlanta Real Estate Information."; }else{ $desc=("$redundant $mlsno $show_space $pagenum $start_record real estate and $show_space $mlsno $redundant $pagenum $start_record homes from our $redundant $mlsno $show_space Real Estate Office in $kwd Georgia."); } $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ,", ",", $desc); $desc=trim($desc, ","); $desc=trim($desc); $keywords=("$show_space, $redundant, $mlsno, real estate, Georgia, property, homes for sale"); if ($pagenum) $keywords.=", $pagenum"; $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(",,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=trim($keywords, ","); $keywords=trim($keywords); ?> "> ">

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Ellenwood Properties in Rock Hill Springs

Properties 1 through 1 of 1 meeting your criteria

Barbara Rock


  Barbara Rock
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 4835 Macy Way
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294


3,155 Sqft (Src:Public Records)

5 Bedrooms   3 Baths  

   Property Details
Request Information


Single Family

MLS# 7235483

Listings identified with the FMLS IDX logo come from FMLS and are held by brokerage firms other than the owner of this website. The listing brokerage is identified in listing details. Information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. If you believe any FMLS listing contains material that infringes your copyrighted work please review our DMCA policy and learn how to submit a takedown request. ©2021 First Multiple Listing Service, Inc Last Updated: 08-08-2023

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