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Zoning"; } if (substr_count($mypath, "Homes By Builder/")) {$between='by'; $ender='Home Builders';} $thistitle=("$citytitle $modifier $firstpart $between $middler $show $ender"); //if ($pagenum) $thistitle.=" - Page $pagenum"; //} //else $thistitle=("$middler $show $ender Atlanta $modifier $firstpart"); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=trim($thistitle); $thistitle="".$thistitle.""; print ("$thistitle"); } //if ($show=="City") $show="Horse"; $show_space="$show $modifier"; if ($redundant) $redundant.=' '; //print $show_space; //maybe too long - shortened below //$desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia. For $kwd Georgia $show $modifier Real Estate and $redundant $show_space home information, visit our $redundant Georgia $show_space Real Esate Web Site at atlantarealestate-homes.com"); //don't seem to use - $desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia."); //$desc=str_replace(' '.' ',' ', $desc); //print $desc; if ($pagenum) $pagenum="page $pagenum"; if ($mypath=="/index.htm" or $mypath=='/') { $longdate=(date("F j")); $desc="Continuously Updated Atlanta Real Estate Information."; }else{ $desc=("$redundant $mlsno $show_space $pagenum $start_record real estate and $show_space $mlsno $redundant $pagenum $start_record homes from our $redundant $mlsno $show_space Real Estate Office in $kwd Georgia."); } $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ", " ", $desc); $desc=str_replace(" ,", ",", $desc); $desc=trim($desc, ","); $desc=trim($desc); $keywords=("$show_space, $redundant, $mlsno, real estate, Georgia, property, homes for sale"); if ($pagenum) $keywords.=", $pagenum"; $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ", " ", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(" ,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=str_replace(",,", ",", $keywords); $keywords=trim($keywords, ","); $keywords=trim($keywords); ?> "> ">

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" class="smalllink">Home Pagehttp://www.atlantarealestate-homes.com/data/fmls/sasearch.asp" class="smalllink">Property SearchSite Map

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116 Black Rock Avenue

116 Black Rock Avenue Includes:
  • Oversized Master Bedroom Features
  • Double Pane Windows, Insulated Windows Window Features
  • Homeowners Assoc, Near Schools, Playground, Pool, Sidewalks, Other Community Features
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Hardwood Floors
  • Back Yard, Front Yard, Landscaped, Level, Sprinklers In Front, Sprinklers In Rear Lot Features
  • Craftsman, Traditional Style
  • Basement, Great Room - 1 Story, Laundry, Office Rooms
  • Seats 12+, Separate Dining Room Dining Room
  • Double Vanity, Separate His/Hers, Shower Only Master Bathroom
  • Rain Gutters Exterior
  • Covered, Front Porch, Rear Porch Patio and Porch Features
  • Carbon Monoxide Detector(s), Smoke Detector(s) Security Features
  • Breakfast Room, Cabinets White, Kitchen Island, Pantry Walk-In, Stone Counters, View to Family Room
  • Cement Siding, HardiPlank Type, Stone Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • None Pool
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Air, Zoned Cooling
  • Appliances, HVAC, Roof, Thermostat, Water Heater, Windows
  • Factory Built, Family Room, Gas Starter, Great Room, Outside Fireplace
  • Cable Available, Electricity Available, Natural Gas Available, Sewer Available, Underground Utilities, Water Available Available
  • Attached, Driveway, Garage, Garage Door Opener, Garage Faces Front, Kitchen Level, Level Driveway Parking
  • Rain Gutters Exterior
  • Coffered Ceiling(s), Crown Molding, Disappearing Attic Stairs, Double Vanity, Entrance Foyer, High Ceilings 9 ft Main, High Speed Internet, His and Hers Closets, Tray Ceiling(s), Walk-In Closet(s)
  • Double Vanity, Separate His/Hers, Shower Only
  • Central, Forced Air, Natural Gas, Zoned Heating
  • Dishwasher, Disposal, ENERGY STAR Qualified Appliances, Gas Cooktop, Gas Water Heater, Microwave, Range Hood, Self Cleaning Oven


The Overlook is one of our most popular plans! This home is located on a wonderful basement lot which backs up to the treelined common area. Can close in 30 days! Located in the highly sought after City of Jefferson School cluster. The community of Jefferson Trail is conveniently located 1 mile from the City of Jefferson Schools & I-85. Everything you have been looking for in a quaint 78 home neighborhood. This plan offers you versatility. The open concept Gourmet kitchen includes custom soft close white cabinet drawers with granite counters/tiled backsplash, custom vent hood, and a large center island. The Professional Grade Stainless Steel Appliances includes a 36 gas cook top, separate wall oven, microwave, and a dishwasher. Spacious family room features coffered ceilings & a gas starter fireplace. Separate dining room can also be used as a home office, play room or main floor guest room. Additional flex room/office with French doors is located right off of the foyer. A convenient drop zone with cubbies and a half bath completes the main level. Heavy trim and 5 hand-scraped engineered hardwoods are located throughout the main living area. A wrought iron stairwell leads you upstairs to an oversized Owner's Suite with two walk-in closets. The en-suite offers a spacious tiled shower with glass doors., dual granite top vanities, tile floors, linen closet and a separate toilet room. 3 additional bedrooms, one with a private tiled bath, additional full bath, and upstairs tiled laundry room with overhead cabinets completes the upstairs. A covered rear porch with outdoor fireplace overlooks a large private tree lined backyard. Fully sodded lawn with IRRIGATION on all sides. 3 car garage with opener! Amenities include sidewalks, walking trail, pool, and playground. *** Photos are stock images of the Overlook Plan.. 10,000 toward closing costs when using seller's preferred lender. Schedule your showing today! Home is located on LOT: 50.


I-85 North. Exit 137 (Hwy 129/11). Turn Right. Approx. 1 mile, Turn Left on Business 129. Approximately 1.5 miles, Turn Right into the Jefferson Trail community on Adventure Trail. At Stop sign, Turn right on Rocky Springs Dr. Turn right on Black Rock Ave. Lot 50 will be on the right.


116 Black Rock Avenue

Bedrooms 4
Baths 3
Year Built 2022
Square Feet  3085 (Src:Builder)
Acres 0.3100
Garage 3 Car Garage
MLS# 7230551
Listing Status Active
Listed By Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners
Listing Price $614,900

Bedrooms 4
Baths 3
Year Built 2022
Square Feet  3085 (Src:Builder)
Acres 0.3100
Garage 3 Car Garage
MLS# 7230551
Listing Status Active
Listed By Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners
Listing Price $614,900


116 Black Rock Avenue Includes:
  • Oversized Master Bedroom Features
  • Double Pane Windows, Insulated Windows Window Features
  • Homeowners Assoc, Near Schools, Playground, Pool, Sidewalks, Other Community Features
  • Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Hardwood Floors
  • Back Yard, Front Yard, Landscaped, Level, Sprinklers In Front, Sprinklers In Rear Lot Features
  • Craftsman, Traditional Style
  • Basement, Great Room - 1 Story, Laundry, Office Rooms
  • Seats 12+, Separate Dining Room Dining Room
  • Double Vanity, Separate His/Hers, Shower Only Master Bathroom
  • Rain Gutters Exterior
  • Covered, Front Porch, Rear Porch Patio and Porch Features
  • Carbon Monoxide Detector(s), Smoke Detector(s) Security Features
  • Breakfast Room, Cabinets White, Kitchen Island, Pantry Walk-In, Stone Counters, View to Family Room
  • Cement Siding, HardiPlank Type, Stone Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • None Pool
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Air, Zoned Cooling
  • Appliances, HVAC, Roof, Thermostat, Water Heater, Windows
  • Factory Built, Family Room, Gas Starter, Great Room, Outside Fireplace
  • Cable Available, Electricity Available, Natural Gas Available, Sewer Available, Underground Utilities, Water Available Available
  • Attached, Driveway, Garage, Garage Door Opener, Garage Faces Front, Kitchen Level, Level Driveway Parking
  • Rain Gutters Exterior
  • Coffered Ceiling(s), Crown Molding, Disappearing Attic Stairs, Double Vanity, Entrance Foyer, High Ceilings 9 ft Main, High Speed Internet, His and Hers Closets, Tray Ceiling(s), Walk-In Closet(s)
  • Double Vanity, Separate His/Hers, Shower Only
  • Central, Forced Air, Natural Gas, Zoned Heating
  • Dishwasher, Disposal, ENERGY STAR Qualified Appliances, Gas Cooktop, Gas Water Heater, Microwave, Range Hood, Self Cleaning Oven


The Overlook is one of our most popular plans! This home is located on a wonderful basement lot which backs up to the treelined common area. Can close in 30 days! Located in the highly sought after City of Jefferson School cluster. The community of Jefferson Trail is conveniently located 1 mile from the City of Jefferson Schools & I-85. Everything you have been looking for in a quaint 78 home neighborhood. This plan offers you versatility. The open concept Gourmet kitchen includes custom soft close white cabinet drawers with granite counters/tiled backsplash, custom vent hood, and a large center island. The Professional Grade Stainless Steel Appliances includes a 36 gas cook top, separate wall oven, microwave, and a dishwasher. Spacious family room features coffered ceilings & a gas starter fireplace. Separate dining room can also be used as a home office, play room or main floor guest room. Additional flex room/office with French doors is located right off of the foyer. A convenient drop zone with cubbies and a half bath completes the main level. Heavy trim and 5 hand-scraped engineered hardwoods are located throughout the main living area. A wrought iron stairwell leads you upstairs to an oversized Owner's Suite with two walk-in closets. The en-suite offers a spacious tiled shower with glass doors., dual granite top vanities, tile floors, linen closet and a separate toilet room. 3 additional bedrooms, one with a private tiled bath, additional full bath, and upstairs tiled laundry room with overhead cabinets completes the upstairs. A covered rear porch with outdoor fireplace overlooks a large private tree lined backyard. Fully sodded lawn with IRRIGATION on all sides. 3 car garage with opener! Amenities include sidewalks, walking trail, pool, and playground. *** Photos are stock images of the Overlook Plan.. 10,000 toward closing costs when using seller's preferred lender. Schedule your showing today! Home is located on LOT: 50.


I-85 North. Exit 137 (Hwy 129/11). Turn Right. Approx. 1 mile, Turn Left on Business 129. Approximately 1.5 miles, Turn Right into the Jefferson Trail community on Adventure Trail. At Stop sign, Turn right on Rocky Springs Dr. Turn right on Black Rock Ave. Lot 50 will be on the right.

Additional Photos:
Listing Provided Courtesy of: Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners.
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indentifies properties listed by real estate brokers other than Realty Center of Arizona
Property Information Copyright © 2006 Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc - All Rights Reserved

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