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"); //$KWD IS THE START OF THE TITLE AND HEADING - IT IS 'TUCSON' or ANOTHER CITY //$REDUNDANT is KWD but is set to nothing if it's in $SHOW $kwd='Atlanta'; //SET THE KWD TO THE OTHER CITY IF THERE IS ONE if (substr_count("$mypath", "/acres/")) {$kwd="$show";} if (substr_count("$mypath", "/horse/")) {$kwd="$show";} if (substr_count("$mypath", "/city/")) {$kwd="$show";} $redundant=$kwd; if (substr_count($show, $kwd)) $redundant=''; //print ("|$show| |$kwd| |$redundant|
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Zoning"; } if (substr_count($mypath, "Homes By Builder/")) {$between='by'; $ender='Home Builders';} $thistitle=("$citytitle $modifier $firstpart $between $middler $show $ender"); //if ($pagenum) $thistitle.=" - Page $pagenum"; //} //else $thistitle=("$middler $show $ender Atlanta $modifier $firstpart"); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=str_replace(" ", " ", $thistitle); $thistitle=trim($thistitle); $thistitle="".$thistitle.""; print ("$thistitle"); } //if ($show=="City") $show="Horse"; $show_space="$show $modifier"; if ($redundant) $redundant.=' '; //print $show_space; //maybe too long - shortened below //$desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia. For $kwd Georgia $show $modifier Real Estate and $redundant $show_space home information, visit our $redundant Georgia $show_space Real Esate Web Site at atlantarealestate-homes.com"); //don't seem to use - $desc=("$redundant $show_space Real Estate, $redundant $show_space homes, and $show_space $redundant properties from our $redundant $show_space Real Esatate Office in $kwd Georgia."); //$desc=str_replace(' '.' 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1948 Compton Drive SE

1948 Compton Drive SE Includes:
  • Laminate Floors
  • Back Yard, Front Yard Lot Features
  • Ranch Style
  • Other Rooms
  • Shower Only Master Bathroom
  • Cabinets White, Eat-in Kitchen, Pantry, Stone Counters, View to Family Room
  • Vinyl Siding Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • None Pool
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Air Cooling
  • Cable Available, Electricity Available, Water Available Available
  • Driveway Parking
  • None Exterior
  • Shower Only
  • Forced Air Heating
  • Dishwasher, Electric Oven, Microwave


Welcome to 1948 Compton Drive where renovation meets location! This beautiful home is located in the historic Lakewood Community. It offers modern updates and timeless charm. Enter into the open concept floorplan that effortlessly connects to the family room and office. Enjoy preparing your favorite cuisines in the fully updated eat-in kitchen which entails new white cabinetry, granite countertops, and appliances. The master bedroom is the perfect size with its own private bathroom for added convenience. The two additional spacious bedrooms share a full guest bathroom. The exterior provides a covered sitting area that is inviting and a cozy spot to relax. The fenced in backyard is ideal for family gatherings. Additional upgrades include new electrical, windows, gutters, and flooring. This home presents suitable access to all major interstates, downtown Atlanta, Hartsfield Airport, Lakewood Amphitheater, Screen Gems Movie Studio, and South Bend Park. Ideal for city living, owner occupants, Airbnb or short term/long term rental. Don't miss your opportunity to capture this beauty! New Construction home across the street and three doors down that will enhance the value of this property. No SPD as Seller never occupied the property.


Please use Google Maps.


1948 Compton Drive SE

Bedrooms 3
Baths 2
Year Built 1950
Square Feet  1155 (Src:Public Records)
Acres 0.2068
MLS# 7246154
Listing Status Active
Listed By EXP Realty, LLC.
Listing Price $300,000

Bedrooms 3
Baths 2
Year Built 1950
Square Feet  1155 (Src:Public Records)
Acres 0.2068
MLS# 7246154
Listing Status Active
Listed By EXP Realty, LLC.
Listing Price $300,000


1948 Compton Drive SE Includes:
  • Laminate Floors
  • Back Yard, Front Yard Lot Features
  • Ranch Style
  • Other Rooms
  • Shower Only Master Bathroom
  • Cabinets White, Eat-in Kitchen, Pantry, Stone Counters, View to Family Room
  • Vinyl Siding Construction
  • Composition Roof
  • None Pool
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Central Air Cooling
  • Cable Available, Electricity Available, Water Available Available
  • Driveway Parking
  • None Exterior
  • Shower Only
  • Forced Air Heating
  • Dishwasher, Electric Oven, Microwave


Welcome to 1948 Compton Drive where renovation meets location! This beautiful home is located in the historic Lakewood Community. It offers modern updates and timeless charm. Enter into the open concept floorplan that effortlessly connects to the family room and office. Enjoy preparing your favorite cuisines in the fully updated eat-in kitchen which entails new white cabinetry, granite countertops, and appliances. The master bedroom is the perfect size with its own private bathroom for added convenience. The two additional spacious bedrooms share a full guest bathroom. The exterior provides a covered sitting area that is inviting and a cozy spot to relax. The fenced in backyard is ideal for family gatherings. Additional upgrades include new electrical, windows, gutters, and flooring. This home presents suitable access to all major interstates, downtown Atlanta, Hartsfield Airport, Lakewood Amphitheater, Screen Gems Movie Studio, and South Bend Park. Ideal for city living, owner occupants, Airbnb or short term/long term rental. Don't miss your opportunity to capture this beauty! New Construction home across the street and three doors down that will enhance the value of this property. No SPD as Seller never occupied the property.


Please use Google Maps.

Additional Photos:
Listing Provided Courtesy of: EXP Realty, LLC..
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indentifies properties listed by real estate brokers other than Realty Center of Arizona
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